I THINK things looked good on my ultrasound yesterday. My RE has a policy where they tell you any follicle less than 12 mm is not measurable, which is bull because you can watch them measure the smaller ones and see the numbers pop up on the screen. Yesterday I for sure had an 11.5 mm follicle, and two other smaller 11 mm follicles and one odd sort of kidney shaped 10-11 mm follicle. The ultrasound tech gave me this information after much pleading on my part, but made me promise not to tell the doc she told me. So I am just telling the internet about it instead.
They said they would call me by 3:00 and let me know what to do. I waiting until 3:10 and called them. I thought that was reasonable, but the nurse sounded a bit grumpy on the phone. She said "Take 75 tonight and tomorrow and then come back Friday". And that was it. I wish I had asked what my estrogen levels where and if they thought things looked good, but I was off the phone before I had the chance.
So we are a bit in limbo. I think things look good, we should know more on Friday. My friends on Ravelry have reassured me that those numbers look good. What I don't know is if all 4 follicles mature if they will cancel the cycle because the risk of multiples is too high. When I have asked how many follicles is too many they have been very vague, so we will wait and see.
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