We had another ultrasound yesterday and I guess things looked good so we are going back in again tomorrow. The nurse said the doctor is concerned I will ovulate on my own before the trigger. I am not really sure why that would be a problem, but I will take their word for it. At last report my lining was an appropriate thickness, I had a larger follicle on each ovary at about 13 mm, and then another 12 mm ish one on each ovary. I also have a plethora of smaller ones in the 10-11mm range.
They said they want the follicles to be 18 mm before I trigger, I am guessing that the art right now is getting those bigger ones to mature and then to trigger at just the right moment before the smaller ones catch up. Less I become pregnant with a litter of children and qualify for my own reality show.
In other news today is the first day of the Tour De Fleece. What's that you ask? It's a spinning event where you spin every day of the Tour De France. You pick something challenging on the harder days of the ride and you rest on the days the cyclists rest. I have failed every year that I have attempted this so far. I am having a little party this afternoon to kick it off.
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